Weston FL Bicycle Accident Attorneys

Weston’s busy streets can be dangerous for cyclists. If you are reading this, chances are you or someone close to you has firsthand felt the impact of a bicycle accident.

In the wake of a bicycle accident in Weston, you deserve staunch legal representation. Cyclists often sustain severe injuries due to the lack of physical protection compared to vehicle occupants. You must have an advocate who will vigorously defend your rights while you concentrate on recovery.

Under Florida law, individuals who have suffered serious injuries in bicycle accidents may be entitled to compensation beyond what is typically available under the state’s no-fault insurance system. Let Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC, help you secure fair and just compensation. Our initial consultation is complimentary, and our fees are contingent based, meaning you owe us nothing unless we succeed in obtaining compensation for you.

Why Trust Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC with Your Bicycle Accident Case?

Since its inception, Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC has dedicated itself to supporting injured bicyclists and their families throughout Weston and beyond. Our attorneys are committed legal advocates known for their dynamic approach to securing justice and compensation for our clients.

We strive to settle claims efficiently and outside of court whenever possible. However, our preparedness and meticulous attention to detail mean we can take your case to trial if necessary. Our attorneys collaborate closely with you to craft a robust case strategy to maximize your compensation.

But don’t just take our word for it—listen to testimonials from some of our past clients to understand why choosing Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC after a bicycle accident can be a pivotal decision in your journey to justice.

Understanding the Risks of Bicycle Riding in Weston

Bicycle riding in Weston carries undeniable risks. Recent statistics from the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reveal a troubling picture: 715 bicycle-related traffic incidents in just one year, with 676 resulting in injuries and 11 proving fatal. This equates to nearly one cyclist fatality per month within the Weston area alone. Notably, head injuries, which represent some of the most severe outcomes of bicycle accidents, make up a third of these non-fatal injuries.

Despite bicycles accounting for only 1 percent of all trips nationwide, cyclists face a disproportionately high risk of injury and death compared to motorists. The reasons are clear: bicycles provide minimal protection compared to the reinforced structure of motor vehicles. While motorists are shielded by their vehicle’s bulk and safety features, bicyclists have little more than personal protective gear, such as helmets—which are only mandated by law for riders under 16, despite their universal benefits.

The visibility of bicycles to motorists remains a critical issue. Drivers often overlook bicycles as they navigate traffic, making erroneous right-of-way decisions or encroaching into bike lanes, significantly heightening the risk of collisions. One particularly hazardous scenario is “dooring”—when a driver opens their vehicle’s door into the path of an oncoming cyclist, potentially causing severe accidents even if the motorist has checked for traffic but overlooked the cyclist.

Further complicating safety are sudden stops that can catapult a cyclist over the handlebars and the increased risks associated with transitional lighting during Daylight Savings Time changes, when earlier sunsets catch drivers—and their cyclist counterparts—off guard.

In neighborhoods and school zones, the oversight of motorist vigilance around young cyclists can lead to accidents, underlining the need for heightened awareness and precaution in these areas.

At Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC, we understand the unique dangers faced by cyclists in Weston. Our team of dedicated bicycle accident attorneys is committed to advocating for the rights and safety of cyclists.

The Spectrum of Injuries in Weston Bicycle Accidents

The streets of Weston can be difficult for bicyclists, where the inherent vulnerability of cyclists meets the bustling urban traffic. At Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC, we recognize that bicyclists are particularly susceptible to catastrophic injuries due to the stark disparities in protection compared to motor vehicles.

Catastrophic injuries impact a victim’s life immediately and profoundly, potentially altering their future dramatically. For instance, a traumatic brain injury (TBI) might result in convulsions, long-term cognitive impairments, or even a coma. Similarly, a spinal cord injury (SCI) could lead to permanent paralysis.

However, the range of injuries sustained in bicycle accidents can vary widely—from relatively minor to life-threatening.

Types of Injuries Common in Bicycle Accidents:

Securing Just Compensation for Weston Bicycle Accident Victims

Florida’s no-fault insurance system typically restricts the ability to seek compensation directly from an at-fault party. Under this system, each injured individual typically deals with their own insurance provider to cover injury-related expenses. The state requires all motorists to maintain at least $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) and equal property damage liability (PDL).

When Can You Step Outside the No-Fault System?

However, the law permits seriously injured individuals to pursue additional legal action outside the no-fault framework. To file a lawsuit or claim in civil court for damages following a bicycle accident in Weston, a cyclist must demonstrate significant injuries such as:

Proving Negligence in Bicycle Accidents

A successful claim hinges on proving that another party’s negligence directly contributed to or caused the accident. Negligence occurs when someone breaches their duty of care—a commitment to act reasonably safely towards others. What is negligence? It is a breach of the duty of care owed to the public. For instance, if a motorist disregards a cyclist’s right-of-way, resulting in an accident, that motorist may be deemed negligent.

Potential Sources of Negligence:

At Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC, our team of seasoned Weston bicycle accident attorneys excels in dissecting these complex scenarios.

Admissible Damage Compensation in Weston

In Weston, the repercussions of a bicycle accident can be devastating, often leading to extensive physical, emotional, and financial challenges. At Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC, we are dedicated to ensuring victims receive full and fair compensation to cover all aspects of their recovery. Here’s how we can help you navigate the complexities of your claim:

Categories of Compensable Damages:

  1. Medical Expenses: Recovery from a bicycle accident often requires extensive medical care. We help you claim compensation for all related expenses, including:
  1. Lost Wages: If your injuries have forced you off work, you deserve compensation for lost income. Our team works to secure reimbursement for wages you’ve already missed and will help estimate any future losses if your ability to work has been compromised.
  2. Future Earnings: For severe injuries leading to long-term disability, we calculate the potential lifetime earnings loss to safeguard your financial future.
  3. Property Damage: Accidents often damage personal property, including your bicycle. We help you assess the value of your property loss and include this in your compensation package.
  4. Pain and Suffering: Beyond the visible injuries, bicycle accidents can inflict significant emotional and psychological distress. We advocate for compensation that acknowledges your pain and suffering and will continue to endure.

Frequently Asked Questions About Weston Bicycle Accidents

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions we handle concerning bicycle accidents in Weston.



Like all accident victims, victims of bicycle accidents stand to gain significantly from legal representation for multiple reasons.

Firstly, a lawyer will inform you of your rights. Given that Florida is a no-fault state, many victims with severe injuries may not realize they have other avenues for claiming substantial compensation. The limits provided by no-fault insurance can be insufficient, especially when faced with potentially staggering medical expenses.

Secondly, an attorney will negotiate with the responsible party’s insurance provider to secure the best possible compensation package.

Insurance companies are notorious for reducing the value of claims. They employ sophisticated tactics to achieve this, such as attributing fault to the victim, suggesting less expensive medical treatments than required, and offering quick but undervalued settlements. This tactic, known as lowballing, hopes to capitalize on a victim’s immediate relief and gratitude, distracting them from the inadequacy of the settlement.

Furthermore, insurance companies may delay or outright deny claims as a strategy. Unanswered calls and emails might be deliberate attempts to discourage you. While navigating these denials might seem overwhelming, a skilled lawyer can effectively dismantle these strategies.

Attorneys are well-versed in these tactics and know how to counteract them effectively. Escalating a Weston bicycle accident case to trial can be a strategic move, as insurance companies typically aim to avoid courtrooms where juries might sympathize more with the victim and award higher compensations.

Thirdly, attorneys are crucial in gathering evidence related to the accident. Understanding who or what was at fault is essential for building a negligence claim.

However, victims might not always know how the accident occurred. Lawyers collaborate with investigators to piece together the incident. They will also gather law enforcement crash reports and eyewitness statements to build a comprehensive picture.

Lastly, lawyers assist victims in evaluating the long-term impacts of their injuries. Why is this important? The extent of compensation often hinges on it. For instance, if ongoing medical treatment is necessary, attorneys can arrange for expert testimony regarding the type, cost, and impact of future medical needs. This information can significantly influence the level of damages pursued.


Many victims hesitate to consult with an attorney due to concerns about legal fees, especially when they are already burdened with medical expenses and potentially unable to work.

At Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC, our attorneys for bicycle injuries operate on a contingency fee basis. This means our fees are a percentage of the settlement or judgment you receive — if you don’t win, we don’t get paid.

Therefore, you won’t need to reach for your checkbook when our attorneys begin working on your case.

We provide a free initial consultation at Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC. This session is designed to address your immediate questions and assess the specifics of your case. This is a crucial step in determining whether a negligent party is responsible for your injuries.

Without legal representation, you risk missing out on your rightful compensation. Refraining from engaging a lawyer is more costly in the long run.


For your initial consultation, it’s beneficial to bring detailed notes and any evidence of the accident.

Your notes should include details such as the sequence of events leading to the accident, who or what you believe was responsible, the nature of your injuries, and how the accident has impacted your life (including medical bills, inability to work, and pain suffered).

A successful case relies heavily on robust evidence. This includes evidence of both the accident’s circumstances and the injuries sustained.


Much of our focus is on injuries, but the sad reality is that some bicycle accidents result in fatalities.

Should the deceased have been eligible to file a bicycle accident claim if they had survived, certain family members might have the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit. This type of lawsuit seeks to provide compensation for the damages and losses caused by the accident.

Family members who can typically file for wrongful death include:

Additionally, the deceased’s estate can initiate claims to recover specific losses.

Damages in a wrongful death suit may cover the following:


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