What are Florida Sex Crimes? Florida sex crime defense lawyer

In this video, Florida sex crime defense lawyer Michael Waddington gives an overview of Florida sex crimes. Florida sex crimes encompass a range of offenses that carry severe legal consequences and social stigma. These crimes include sexual battery, lewd or lascivious offenses, child pornography, human trafficking, and indecent exposure. Sexual battery, defined under Florida Statute § 794.011, involves non-consensual sexual penetration or contact and can result in penalties ranging from 15 years to life imprisonment or even the death penalty for the most egregious cases involving young children.

Lewd or lascivious offenses, targeting minors under 16, involve acts such as molestation, exhibitionism, or conduct deemed offensive or sexually inappropriate. These offenses can lead to lengthy prison sentences and mandatory registration as a sex offender. Child pornography, another serious crime, involves the possession, distribution, or creation of explicit material featuring minors and is punishable by up to 15 years in prison per image or video.

Human trafficking for sexual purposes, addressed under Florida Statute § 787.06, involves the exploitation of individuals through force, fraud, or coercion for commercial sex acts. This crime can result in life imprisonment. Indecent exposure, though less severe, is still a serious offense and involves publicly displaying one’s genitals in a manner intended to shock or offend others.

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