Video: Sex Crime Defense Lawyer in Florida

Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer Discusses Sex Crimes in Florida

Florida sex crimes encompass a variety of offenses that are taken very seriously and carry severe penalties. Examples include:

1. Sexual Battery: This crime involves non-consensual oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by or with a sexual organ or another object. It can range from a second-degree felony to a capital felony, depending on the circumstances, such as the age of the victim and the use of force or weapons.

2. Lewd or Lascivious Offenses: These crimes involve sexual conduct with minors under 16 years old and can include acts such as molestation, exhibition, or battery. Penalties vary, with lewd or lascivious battery being a second-degree felony and molestation potentially being a life felony if the victim is under 12.

3. Child Pornography: Possession, distribution, or creation of explicit images or videos of minors is illegal. Penalties can range from a third-degree felony to a life felony, depending on the volume and nature of the material.

4. Sexual Activity with a Minor: Adults engaging in sexual activity with individuals aged 12 to 16 can face severe charges, including second or third-degree felonies.

5. Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation: Forcing or coercing someone into commercial sex acts is a first-degree felony, with higher penalties if minors are involved.

These offenses carry substantial prison sentences, fines, and mandatory registration as a sex offender.

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