Broward County FL Paternity Lawyers

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Family Law Paternity Lawyers

At Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC Attorneys at Law, our Broward County FL paternity lawyers bring our experience and deep understanding of paternity and family law issues to assist fathers, mothers, families, and children. Whether you are a man asserting your fatherhood or a child seeking to identify your biological father, our dedicated team is here to support you. Allow our Broward County FL paternity lawyers to guide you through these personal matters.

Family Law Paternity Lawyers
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How Does Legal Paternity Differ from Biological Paternity?

Biological paternity confirms you as the genetic father of a child. Conversely, legal paternity, a process recognized and overseen by the courts, grants you the rights and obligations of a father, encompassing financial responsibilities.

There can be cases where the legal and biological fathers are not the same person, such as in adoption scenarios. The biological father relinquishes his rights in these cases, while the adoptive father gains full parental responsibilities. Establishing legal paternity involves several methods, each with its own procedures. These methods include marriage, adoption, or initiating a paternity lawsuit. For example, a husband is generally assumed to be the father of a child born during his marriage, even if infidelity is suspected.

However, if another individual seeks fatherhood recognition, he must take legal paternity action. If his biological connection is established, it could lead to the husband losing his paternal rights concerning the child.

How Does Legal Paternity Differ from Biological Paternity

What Are the Methods for Establishing Paternity in Florida?

In Florida, it’s crucial to understand the various routes for establishing paternity. Initially, paternity is presumed if you were married to the mother when the child was born. However, for unmarried parents, it’s essential to take proactive legal steps to establish paternity.

One common method is a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity, which both parents must sign and submit. This acknowledgment becomes irrevocable 60 days after signing unless it is proven to have been signed under fraud, coercion, or significant duress. Once established, this legal paternity grants the father all associated parental rights and responsibilities, empowering him with control over his child’s future. Retracting this acknowledgment requires proving significant misconduct during its execution, ensuring the process is fair and just. If paternity is contested or unclear, legal action may be necessary.

Any party can initiate such a paternity suit—be it a man questioning or asserting his fatherhood, a pregnant woman, or a child whose paternity has not been legally recognized. This process typically involves DNA testing to verify biological relationships. It’s important to note that even if DNA tests disprove a biological link with the husband, legal paternity might still be granted by a judge who deems it in the best interest of the child for the non-biological father to maintain parental rights.

This underscores the importance of having a skilled Florida family law attorney. The lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington are here to support and guide you, advocating vigorously for your parental rights and ensuring that the legal outcomes align with your child’s best interests.

Why Is Establishing Paternity Crucial?

Paternity holds significant value in both societal and legal realms. Socially, recognizing a child as your own influences personal and public perceptions and strengthens familial bonds. Legally, being acknowledged as the father confers various rights, which include:

If you suspect you are a father, naturally, you will aspire to be involved in your child’s life. To secure legal rights to custody and visitation, you must first establish paternity. Should there be any disputes from the mother regarding your fatherhood, a DNA test may be necessary to affirm your biological ties and legally recognize your paternal rights. 

Moreover, mothers often initiate paternity claims to obtain financial support for their children. Establishing paternity typically leads to a court-mandated child support order against the legal father, should he be the noncustodial parent. If you are challenged with a paternity claim and doubt your fatherhood, 

it is critical to engage a proficient paternity attorney to contest these claims effectively. 

Weston FL Domestic Violence Attorneys​ Why Is Establishing Paternity Crucial?

Contact our Broward County FL paternity lawyers to discuss your case. Conversely, if you are a mother pursuing paternity confirmation, securing experienced legal counsel is vital to ensure you and your child receive the rightful support mandated by law. Once paternity is determined, our attorneys can also assist in securing a child support order and negotiating fair visitation arrangements if shared parenting is pursued.

Consult Our Broward County FL Paternity Lawyers

Please consult our knowledgeable paternity lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC for personalized guidance on paternity issues. We invite you to call us at 1-800-921-8607 for a free consultation. Our Broward County FL paternity lawyers are ready to assist you in ensuring that your rights and your child’s best interests are upheld.

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