Florida Fraud Defense Attorneys | Gonzalez & Waddington, Attorneys at Law

Florida fraud charges can substantially impact your life, reputation, and future. At Gonzalez & Waddington, Attorneys at Law, we understand the gravity of a fraud accusation. We are dedicated to providing aggressive and strategic defense for our clients in Broward County and throughout Florida. Our seasoned team has the experience and determination to navigate the complexities of fraud cases, striving for the best possible outcome for each individual we represent.

Understanding Fraud Charges in Florida

What is Fraud? Fraud is a broad term encompassing various criminal acts involving deceit, misrepresentation, or dishonest conduct intended to gain an advantage or cause harm to another. In Florida, fraud can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the circumstances and money involved.

Types of Fraud Offenses

Gonzalez & Waddington defends clients against a wide range of fraud charges, including, but not limited to:

Each type of fraud has unique elements and requires a nuanced approach to defense. Our Florida criminal defense lawyers know the statutes and defenses relevant to each fraud offense.

Penalties for Fraud in Florida

Consequences of a Fraud Conviction

The penalties for fraud in Florida can be severe and long-lasting. They may include:

  • Heavy fines
  • Restitution to the victims
  • Probation
  • Imprisonment

The exact penalties will vary based on the value of the property or money involved and other factors such as the defendant’s criminal history.

Why Choose Gonzalez & Waddington for Your Fraud Defense?

Experienced Fraud Defense Team

At Gonzalez & Waddington, we have a proven track record of defending clients against fraud charges. Our Florida criminal defense attorneys are knowledgeable about Florida fraud laws and skilled in developing effective defense strategies.

Personalized Legal Representation

We believe in personalized attention for every case. Our Florida criminal defense attorneys take the time to understand your situation and tailor a defense strategy to your specific needs.

Aggressive Advocacy in and out of Court

Whether negotiating a plea deal or fighting charges in court, Gonzalez & Waddington advocates vigorously for our clients. We are prepared to challenge evidence, question witnesses, and do whatever it takes to defend your rights.

Commitment to Protecting Your Future

We recognize that a fraud conviction can damage your reputation, career, and personal life. We aim to protect your future by seeking to reduce or dismiss charges whenever possible.

The Defense Process for Fraud Charges

Investigation and Evidence Analysis

Our defense begins with thoroughly investigating the charges against you. We analyze the evidence, looking for weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and opportunities to undermine their arguments.

Developing a Strong Defense Strategy

Based on our investigation, we develop a strong defense strategy. This may include challenging the validity of the evidence, presenting exculpatory evidence, or negotiating for lesser charges.

Skilled Negotiation

Our Florida criminal defense attorneys are skilled negotiators who often can resolve cases favorably without needing a trial. We are adept at plea negotiations and aim to achieve the best possible result for our clients.

Trial Advocacy

If your case goes to trial, you can count on the trial-tested advocacy of Gonzalez & Waddington. Our Florida criminal defense attorneys are fierce litigators who will passionately defend your rights before a judge or jury.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fraud Defense

What should I do if I am accused of fraud?

If you’re accused of fraud, contact Gonzalez & Waddington immediately. Early intervention by an experienced attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

Can fraud charges be reduced or dismissed?

Fraud charges can be reduced or dismissed, especially with effective legal representation. Each case is unique, and various factors will influence the outcome.

How long will the legal process take?

The duration of the legal process in fraud cases can vary greatly. It depends on the case’s complexity, the amount of evidence, and the legal strategies employed.

What is the cost of hiring a fraud defense attorney?

The cost of hiring a defense attorney varies based on the case’s specifics. At Gonzalez & Waddington, we provide a clear fee structure and discuss financial arrangements upfront.

Contact Gonzalez & Waddington for a Free Consultation

Facing fraud charges in Florida is a serious matter. It requires a serious defense. Contact Gonzalez & Waddington, Attorneys at Law, today for a free consultation to discuss your case and learn how we can fight for you. With our training and experience, we’ll work tirelessly to protect your rights and your future.

Defending Against Fraud Charges in Broward County

At Gonzalez & Waddington, Attorneys at Law, we know that facing criminal fraud charges in Broward County, Florida, can be overwhelming and confusing. The implications of a fraud conviction extend beyond legal penalties; it can tarnish your reputation, impact your professional licenses, and disrupt your family life. Our firm specializes in cutting through the complexities of such cases, providing you with a clear legal path and a robust defense.

The Legal Implications of Fraud Charges

Impact on Your Life and Career

A fraud conviction in Florida can close many doors. Employers, professional licensing boards, and even landlords may see a fraud conviction as a mark against your character, making it difficult to secure employment, maintain professional certifications, or find housing.

Long-Term Consequences

The consequences of a fraud conviction can linger. Beyond immediate penalties, individuals may face ongoing scrutiny, diminished financial opportunities, and the long shadow of a criminal record when applying for loans, education, or other life advancements.

How Gonzalez & Waddington Protects Your Rights

Challenging the Prosecution’s Case

We meticulously scrutinize the prosecution’s evidence for any signs of weakness or illegality. If evidence was obtained through unlawful means, we move swiftly to have it excluded, which can sometimes lead to a reduction or dismissal of charges.

Expert Witnesses and Forensic Analysis

Our firm has access to a network of expert witnesses, including forensic accountants and computer analysts, who can provide crucial insights and testimony that challenge the prosecution’s narrative.

Understanding the Complexity of Fraud Law

Fraud law is complex and constantly evolving. Our Florida criminal defense attorneys stay at the forefront of legal developments to ensure we can navigate and leverage the law to our client’s advantage.

Crafting a Tailored Defense Strategy

Every fraud case is unique. That’s why Gonzalez & Waddington takes a personalized approach, crafting defense strategies that align with the specific details of your case. Whether it’s demonstrating a lack of intent to commit fraud or exposing flaws in the allegations, our firm tailors its strategies to your unique circumstances.

Types of Fraud Defenses

Lack of Intent to Defraud

Many fraud cases hinge on the accused’s intent. We will investigate and, if possible, present evidence that you did not have the requisite intent to defraud, which is a critical element of most fraud charges.

Mistaken Identity or Facts

Fraudulent activities are often complex and may involve multiple parties. We explore avenues to demonstrate that you were mistakenly identified or that the facts alleged against you do not add up to fraudulent conduct.


In cases where entrapment is suspected, we will aggressively assert that you were induced to commit a crime you would not have otherwise committed, potentially leading to the dropping of charges.

Civil Remedies and Criminal Defense

A proactive approach may sometimes involve exploring civil remedies to address grievances. We can negotiate restitution agreements that might satisfy the complainant and result in the reduction or dismissal of criminal charges.

Fraud Conviction Appeals

If you’ve already been convicted of fraud, all is not lost. Gonzalez & Waddington provides appellate representation, seeking to overturn unjust convictions or reduce excessive sentences.

Your Partner in Navigating the Legal System

Guiding You Through Each Step

From your initial consultation through every court appearance, we stand by you, offering guidance and clear explanations of the legal process so you can make informed decisions.

Protecting Your Constitutional Rights

Our firm protects your constitutional rights, ensuring that you receive a fair trial and that all legal procedures are properly followed.

Keeping You Informed

Communication is key. We keep you informed about the progress of your case and are always available to answer your questions and address your concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions Continued

What can I do to help my case?

Being proactive is beneficial. Collect any documents and information that may be relevant to your case and provide them to your attorney. Stay in communication with your legal team and follow their advice closely.

Can I face both state and federal fraud charges?

Yes, depending on the nature of the fraudulent activity, you might face fraud charges at both the state and federal level. Our Florida criminal defense attorneys are equipped to handle cases in all state and federal courts in Florida.

How is fraud detected and investigated?

Fraud is often detected through financial audits, regulatory investigations, or reports from whistleblowers. Investigations can involve various law enforcement agencies and can be lengthy and complex.

How can I avoid fraud charges in the future?

Understanding the law and seeking legal advice before engaging in complex financial transactions can help prevent unintentional fraud. Maintaining transparency and accurate records in all business dealings is also crucial.

Community Outreach and Education

Gonzalez & Waddington believes in the power of community education. We offer workshops and resources to help the Broward County community understand fraud laws, thus empowering them to avoid legal pitfalls.

Contact Us Today

If you or a loved one is facing fraud charges, don’t wait. Contact Gonzalez & Waddington, Attorneys at Law, to secure a legal team that is deeply committed to your defense. Call us or visit our website to schedule your free consultation and take the first step toward regaining control of your life.

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