Broward County FL Military Divorce Lawyers

Home / Broward County FL Military Divorce Lawyers

Knowledge and experience are crucial regarding the unique challenges of a military divorce in Florida. Military families often face legal considerations that civilian families do not. Suppose you or your spouse serves in the military and are considering a divorce. In that case, it is beneficial and essential to consult with our Broward County FL military divorce lawyers who understand the complexities of military divorce laws in Florida. We are a veteran-owned law firm with decades of experience dealing with military, military, and family law issues. Call our Broward County FL military divorce lawyers to discuss your case.

Knowledge and experience are crucial regarding the unique challenges of a military divorce in Florida. Military families often face legal considerations that civilian families do not. Suppose you or your spouse serves in the military and are considering a divorce. In that case, it is beneficial and essential to consult with our Broward County, FL, military divorce lawyers who understand the complexities of military divorce laws in Florida. We are a veteran-owned law firm with decades of experience dealing with military, military, and family law issues. Call our Broward County, FL, military divorce lawyers to discuss your case.

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Broward County FL Military Divorce Lawyers

Broward County FL Military Divorce Lawyers: Civilian vs. Military Divorces

Following are the key differences between a civilian divorce and a military divorce

Jurisdiction for Filing the Divorce

Jurisdiction for Filing the Divorce

Military families must consider where to file for divorce, depending on where the military member claims permanent residence, their current stationing, and other factors. This decision can affect many aspects of the divorce, including the division of military pensions.

Active-Duty Considerations

The Service Members Civil Relief Act provides protections for active-duty military personnel. For example, suppose one spouse initiates the divorce while the other is deployed. In that case, the act allows the deployed spouse to defer proceedings until they can be present, safeguarding their legal rights.

Child Custody and Visitation

Florida’s laws aim for joint parental responsibility, but military commitments like deployments can complicate these arrangements. Therefore, custody and visitation schedules need to be adaptable to the dynamic military lifestyle.

Child Support Payments

Calculating child support can be more complex for military personnel due to variable income components like tax-free allowances and different pay rates during deployments. The military’s Leave and earnings statement (LES) is critical in these calculations.

Child Custody and Visitation
Division of Military Pensions

Division of Military Pensions

Dividing military retirement benefits in a divorce can be handled in various ways, such as immediate lump sum payments or deferred distribution upon retirement. Each method requires careful consideration to determine the most equitable solution.

Continuation of Military Benefits

Post-divorce eligibility for military benefits for civilian spouses is a critical consideration. It depends on the duration of the marriage and the length of service the service member provides. Shorter marriages and service periods may result in a significant loss of benefits for the civilian spouse, making it even more crucial to seek legal guidance. Call our Broward County FL military divorce lawyers to discuss your military family law issue.

Seeking Legal Guidance from Broward County FL Military Divorce Lawyers

At Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC, Attorneys at Law, our Broward County FL military divorce lawyers are committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for our military clients and their families. We focus on representing military personnel and their spouses in divorce proceedings, and our approach combines thorough preparation with personalized service. We are here to support you through this challenging time, and we invite you to contact us to discuss your situation with a lawyer dedicated to your case.

Fort Lauderdale FL Divorce Lawyers: Experienced Military Divorce Attorneys

Divorce is inherently complex, but the challenges are often magnified for military families due to unique legal stipulations and circumstances that apply. Our Fort Lauderdale FL Divorce Lawyers are experienced in handling military divorces, offering tailored legal solutions that respect both the demands of military service and the rights of military spouses.

About Our Military Divorce Services

About Our Military Divorce Services

Military divorces involve specific federal and state legal considerations that distinguish them from civilian divorces, including issues related to military pensions, benefits, and compliance with military codes. Our firm is proficient in navigating these complexities, ensuring that our clients receive knowledgeable guidance and robust representation.

Our Military Divorce Services Include

Our Military Divorce Services Include

Why Choose Us

Our Fort Lauderdale FL Military Divorce Lawyers are particularly qualified to manage your military divorce due to our

Experience in Military Laws

We have a thorough understanding of both federal and state laws affecting military divorce, which ensures precise and authoritative legal support.

Sensitive Approach to Military Needs

We recognize the unique stresses of military life and tailor our services to accommodate the unpredictable schedules and demands faced by military personnel and their families.

Strategic Advocacy

Whether through negotiation or litigation, we are committed to securing outcomes that honor your service, protect your rights, and support your family’s well-being.

Have a Question?

Frequently Asked Questions

Military personnel can typically file for divorce in the state where they are stationed, where they claim legal residency, or where the non-military spouse resides.

The 10/10 rule refers to a guideline used by the military for direct payment of a portion of a military retiree’s pay to an ex-spouse. It applies if the marriage lasted at least 10 years and the military service member had at least 10 years of service creditable toward retirement pay.

Military pensions are considered marital property and can be divided between spouses in the event of a divorce. The division is not automatic and must be decreed in the divorce settlement.

Contact Our South Florida Military Divorce Lawyers Today

If you are a military service member or spouse facing divorce in Fort Lauderdale, FL, our experienced divorce lawyers are here to provide the military divorce support you need.

Trust our skilled Fort Lauderdale FL Military Divorce Lawyers to navigate the complexities of your military divorce with skill and compassion. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss your specific circumstances.

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