Weston FL Domestic Violence Attorneys

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Weston FL Domestic Violence Attorneys

Prioritize Your Safety First At Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC, our Weston, FL, domestic violence attorneys stand ready to support you if you’re facing domestic violence. It’s crucial to act decisively for your safety by distancing yourself from your abuser. Contact our dedicated domestic violence attorneys in Weston, FL, for immediate assistance.

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Essential Contacts for Victims of Domestic Violence

Securing a safe location is the first step if you are in danger. Once safe, you should consider the following resources:

Local Florida Law Enforcement: Call 911 if you or your children are in immediate danger.

Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-500-1119

TTY Number: 1-800-621-4202

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

Following these steps, our Weston FL domestic violence attorneys in are here to provide the necessary legal counsel and compassionate aid during such challenging times. Our team is equipped to help you obtain the required legal safeguards to protect yourself and your children and to address how domestic violence could influence any ongoing or future legal matters related to divorce or child custody in Florida’s family courts.

What Constitutes Domestic Abuse in Florida
Essential Information on Child Custody in Florida

What Constitutes Domestic Abuse in Florida?

In the state of Florida, the law clearly defines what constitutes domestic violence. While mere words alone do not qualify, a combination of threatening words and actions might. Acts recognized as domestic violence include:

Furthermore, domestic violence is not generalized to actions by strangers but must involve a current or former household or family member. This includes spouses, former spouses, related individuals by blood or marriage, individuals formerly or currently living together as a family, or parents who share a child.

Domestic abuse scenarios can differ significantly, and many individuals delay seeking help, believing their situation doesn’t meet the threshold of domestic violence. We urge you not to wait. Consulting with Weston FL domestic violence attorneys early can clarify your legal rights and options.

How a Broward County FL Domestic Violence Attorneys Can Assist You

When you’ve secured a safe environment, the threat may not be over, as your abuser might attempt to locate you. Our skilled Broward County FL domestic violence attorneys can provide crucial support by obtaining a protective order that mandates your abuser to refrain from certain actions. A legal injunction can enforce your abuser to:

How a Broward County FL Domestic Violence Attorneys Can Assist You

Should your abuser ignore these stipulations or the protective order itself, it’s vital to contact law enforcement immediately (Call 911) and inform them:

Having a copy of the restraining order upon the police’s arrival can be instrumental. If the abuser is not detained, it’s important to report the infringement to the clerk’s office where the incident occurred, as non-compliance typically constitutes a first-degree misdemeanor.

Temporary Protective Order

Initially, you may receive a temporary protective order based solely on your declarations. This can usually be issued at any time—day, night, or during holidays—thanks to the availability of on-call judges dedicated to immediate legal interventions to protect you and your children. In these early stages, your abuser typically cannot contest the temporary order. Leveraging the skills of an attorney is vital to secure an emergency restraining order swiftly.

Permanent Protective Order

However, this order is provisional. Securing a permanent protective order requires a court hearing where you must substantiate your need for the order before a judge, presenting any supportive evidence. During this hearing, your abuser will also have a chance to testify, often disputing the allegations to avoid the imposition of a restraining order. It’s essential to have representation by an attorney well-versed in Florida’s domestic violence laws to maximize your chances of securing the necessary protections against ongoing domestic violence.

Weston FL Domestic Violence Attorneys for Family Law Help

Domestic violence carries significant repercussions in family law matters such as divorce or child custody disputes. Allegations of violence can heavily influence decisions regarding alimony and the division of marital assets. Furthermore, when determining child custody arrangements, the court will scrutinize any history of domestic violence, prioritizing the child’s safety. Often, this scrutiny results in the non-abusive parent obtaining sole custody, with the requirement that any visitations by the abusive parent be supervised. Moreover, the abusive parent might be mandated to complete anger management or counseling sessions before being allowed visitation rights.

The complexities of domestic violence in family law extend to cases of wrongful accusations. Sometimes, one parent might falsely accuse the other of violence to gain leverage in divorce or custody proceedings. If you find yourself unjustly accused, having a competent attorney who can defend your rights and ensure that your relationship with your children is preserved is crucial. It’s important to remember that family law cases involving allegations of domestic violence are handled separately from any criminal proceedings that might be pursued by law enforcement.

Seeking Help in Weston FL for Domestic Violence Cases

Domestic violence should never be tolerated. If you are experiencing such violence, the first step is to ensure your safety. Once safe, reaching out for legal support is crucial. At Gonzalez & Waddington, LLC, our Weston FL domestic violence attorneys focus on securing. protective orders to safeguard you from your abuser. We offer free initial consultations to discuss your case and how we can assist you.

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